Win This Year

No Phones, New Friends Friday - Positive School Culture | Principal Janet Behrens

notMYkid Season 1 Episode 13

Iowa Valley Junior-Senior High School Principal Janet Behrens began a new program at her school this year called "No Phones, New Friends Friday."  After noticing students at lunch looking at their phones the entire time and not communicating with one another, Principal Behrens decided to try a creative approach to change the situation.  Now on Fridays at lunch, the phones are put away, and students are connecting with one another.  The response has been overwhelmingly positive, as have the results.  Janet joins us on this episode of "Win This Year."

Contact information, books, and resources and links mentioned in this episode:

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: (800) 273-8255

Crisis Text Line: Text "Listen" to 741741

Teen Lifeline: (800) 248-8336

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